Byleth×Shamir Support Conversations
C Support
シャミア: よ、先生。調子はどうだ。
Shamir: Hey, Professor. The students seem to like you.
Choice 1: それほどでも Not that much.
シャミア: そう愛想が良くも見えないのに意外だよ。
Shamir: It doesn't make sense. You don't come across as particularly friendly.
Choice 2: そうだろう It would seem that way.
シャミア: フ……その自信ありげな態度も、様になっているよ。
Shamir: Hah! And you're not modest about it. I like that.
シャミア: ま、あんたの実力は確かだし、不思議というほどほどじゃないか。
Shamir: Still, I can't deny that you've got skills. It's a little strange, to be completely honest. I had my doubts, but they were right to make you a professor.
Choice 1: 自分も驚いた I was surprised too.
シャミア: 私があんたの立場なら、相手の正気を疑うな。
Shamir: I'd be suspicious of their true intentions, if I were you... Seems like it turned out just fine for you.
Choice 2: 自信はあった I knew I could do it.
シャミア: そこまで言うか。底が見えん奴だな、あんたは。
Shamir: You're an odd one. But what's it matter? Seems like it turned out just fine for you.
Choice 3: たぶん間違いだった I'm still not sure...
シャミア: 間違いだったとしても、結果良ければすべて良しだ。
Shamir:Regardless, seems like it turned out fine for you.
シャミア: ……しかし、あんたが傭兵上がりなのは、いまだ信じられん。
Shamir: I'll admit, it's unbelievable that you used to be a mercenary.
I was a merc before coming here, but I can't imagine pulling off your fancy tactician act.
I freeze up near royals and nobles.
Choice 1: 傭兵だったのか You were a mercenary?
シャミア: ああ、そうだ。家が貧しくてな。
Shamir: I was. My family had nothing when I was growing up. There were too many mouths to feed, so I left. Joined up with some mercs for the pay.
The work suited me, but I never liked having to bow and scrape to our noble employers.
Choice 2: 貴族は苦手か You're not a fan of nobles?
シャミア: ああ、傭兵をやっていると、たいていの雇い主は貴族だ。
Shamir: You deal with a lot of nobles when you're a merc. I didn't mind putting my life on the line, but I never liked having to bow and scrape to our noble employers.
シャミア: その点、セイロス騎士団はいい。偉そうな貴族を殴っても問題にならん。
Shamir: That's what I like about being a Knight. I get to punch all the nobles I want. Hah! I'm joking. But the knights do make a good business partner.
Byleth: 契約相手? Business partner?
シャミア: 私はセイロス教徒じゃない。騎士団の中じゃ、例外中の例外だ。
Shamir: I don't believe in the Church of Seiros. It makes me a bit of an anomaly among the knights. Rhea took me in, so I became a knight to repay my debt to her. I may be a knight, but it still feels like I'm doing the same things I did as a merc.
シャミア: ま、もしかしたら、あんたと仕事することもあるかもな。
Shamir: Who knows though? Maybe you and I will end up working together.
シャミア: この前、デアドラに行ったように、あんたと仕事することも増えるかもな。
シャミア: 騎士団には風変わりで、えらく強い連中が揃っているが……
Shamir: Us knights are a pretty tough crew... I'm guessing you'd run circles around us though. I'm interested to see where your path leads you.
B Support
シャミア: この前の戦い、助かったよ。あんたがいると楽だ。
Shamir: Thanks for your help out there. Battles tend to go smoother with you around.
Choice 1: こちらこそ助かった The same to you.
シャミア: 私のほうが助かっているぞ。全部あんた任せでいいからな。
Shamir: Heh. I think you did most of the heavy lifting.
Choice 2: 自分がいると楽? Smoother?
シャミア: ああ、楽だ。全部あんた任せでいいからな。
Shamir: I can count on you doing most of the heavy lifting.
シャミア: 戦場に立つ身として、どうなんだそれはとも思うが……
Shamir: It may be unwise to think this way on the battlefield... But I feel I can trust your commands without question.
Choice 1: なぜだろう Why's that?
シャミア: わからん。
Shamir: Not sure. I might have an idea, but... Never mind.
Choice 2: 間違うこともある I still make mistakes.
シャミア: それは私が判断しても同じだ。
Shamir: Don't we all? But, judging by the results of our recent battles, you're clearly good at this.
シャミア: それに最近は、あんただって、私が迷いなく従う前提で指示しているだろ。
Shamir: I've also noticed that you've been putting me in more precarious situations lately. Almost like you know I won't question your orders.
Choice 1: それはすまない My apologies for that.
シャミア: 謝る必要はない。頼られるのは嬉しいさ。
Shamir: No need.
Choice 2: 次も頼む I know I can rely on you.
シャミア: 言うな、あんた……。まあいい、頼られるのは嬉しいさ。
Shamir: Hah! I'm glad you trust me to get the job done, but still...
シャミア: しかし、私の見立てどおりだったな。
Shamir: I knew you were doing it on purpose.
シャミア: あんたは今じゃ皇帝直属軍の指揮官として、最も重要な軍を預かる身だ。
Shamir: You're in a very important position, now that you're leader of the Imperial army.
シャミア: あんたは今じゃ対帝国の指揮官として、大軍を動かす立場だ。
シャミア: 士官学校で生徒たち相手に、教師をやっていた日々が懐かしい。
Shamir: Funny to think you used to just teach at the Officers Academy. Your old students still call you "Professor." That's no title for the commander of an army.
Choice 1: それくらいで勘弁して There's no harm in it.
シャミア: 悪い、少しつぼに入った。
Shamir: Relax. I was just having fun.
Choice 2: 呼ばれて嬉しい I actually like it.
シャミア: あんたは根っからの先生、か。
Shamir: You'll always be their professor, huh?
シャミア: いや、あんたといると退屈しないでいい。
Shamir: You sure are an interesting one.
My people lost the war and I was left to wander Fódlan alone, but I guess meeting you was my prize.
You look confused. Did you not know any of this?
I was living in my homeland of Dagda, up until the Imperial army destroyed it 10 years ago.
But, being a mercenary, I have no real allegiance. That's why I'm working here now.
Don't worry though. I don't plan to turn on you.
A Support
シャミア: もう10年になる……。そろそろ吹っ切れてもいいか?
Shamir: It's been 10 years... Can I move on yet? Never mind. I know what you'd say.
Choice 1: 誰かと話していた? Were you talking to someone?
シャミア: 誰かと……まあそうだ。ずっと昔に死んだ奴とな。
Shamir: In a sense. Someone who's long since passed.
Choice 2: ここで何を? What are you doing here?
シャミア: 少し、想っていただけだ。ずっと昔に死んだ奴をな。
Shamir: I was just thinking about someone I used to know.
シャミア: 気になるか?まあ、戦友だよ。ダグザの傭兵時代の。
Shamir: Another mercenary I fought alongside. They were killed ten years ago when Dagda was in conflict with the Empire. It's all I can focus on lately...
Byleth: 思い出す理由を聞いても? Why do you think that is?
シャミア: ああ、あんたのせいだ。
Shamir: To be honest, I blame you. Heh. I'm just teasing. I know it's not your fault. You just remind me of him. You give off a similar air... It's uncanny. You even have the same inflection, which makes no sense because we only ever spoke Dagdan. I don't know what it is, but you feel the same to me. I guess you just remind me of the past.
Choice 1: それは悪かった I'm sorry.
シャミア: 謝るな。あなたは悪くないだろ。
Shamir: Please. It's not your fault.
Choice 2: そう言われても…… I can't really help it...
シャミア: まあ、そうだろ。あんたが悪いわけじゃない。
Shamir: That's fair. It's not your fault.
シャミア: いい年して乙女みたいに想い出に浸っている私のほうが問題だ。
Shamir: It's not your fault. It's my fault for getting caught up in memories.
Still, you always remember your first love, right?
That's enough of that. There are more relevant topics to discuss.
Choice 1: わかった I suppose.
シャミア: 過去じゃなく、未来の話でもするか。
Shamir: There's no point in dwelling on the past. Let's talk about the future.
Choice 2: 戦争が終わったら何を? What will you do after the war?
シャミア: さあな。私には多くの場所がある。
Shamir: Good question. The world is completely open to me.
シャミア: あんたの居場所は、すでにそこと定まっている気がするが……
Shamir: Your next move seems apparent...
But...who knows where I'll end up.
Though, I may have done enough traveling for one lifetime.
I like the idea of having a permanent home.
And after all my time here, I've grown quite fond of Fódlan.
S Support
シャミア: 待たせたな。傭兵契約の交渉に手間取った。
Shamir: Sorry for making you wait. Negotiations went long.
Choice 1: 待ちくたびれた That took forever.
シャミア: フ……交渉の内容が気にならないか。
Shamir: Hah. Not curious about the contract? They wanted me to stay on as a mercenary, but I said no.
Choice 2: 交渉? Negotiations?
シャミア: 心配ない。契約の継続をしつこく求められたが、断った。
Shamir: Nothing to worry about. They tried convincing me to stay on as a mercenary, but I said no.
シャミア: 何しろ、新しい契約が待っているんでな。
Shamir: I've been considering a different kind of commitment instead.
Less of a contract, more of a promise.
Byleth: それがいい I'd like that.
シャミア: それじゃ、フォドラの流儀に則って指輪を交換するとしよう。
Shamir: Good. I thought you might want to follow Fódlan tradition and exchange rings.
シャミア: さ、行こうか。
Shamir: Right. That's that. Shall we be off?
Choice 1: 随分あっさりと…… That was quick.
Choice 2: 終わり? Is there anything else?
シャミア: いや、柄じゃないだろ。言葉が必要か?
Shamir: What's wrong? Were you expecting more? We've been fighting together for so long. No need for words. I've said enough... Right?
Byleth: 折角だからThis is a special occasion!
シャミア: やれやれ……わかった。お前の望みだ。
Shamir: I can see this is important to you... Fine then.
I vow to stay with you through all of life's many hardships.
I will stay by your side, and you'll stay by mine.
I left Dagda, crossed through Brigid, and came to Fódlan on my own.
I chose the life of a mercenary, alone and free to live wherever and however I pleased...
Now I'm choosing to remain here, to live the rest of my life...with you.
Is that enough? Now I'm just embarrassed.
Choice 1: ありがとう That was...wonderful.
Choice 2: こちらも恥ずかしい I'm embarrassed too...
シャミア: ははは!互いに顔を赤くして何をやっているんだか。
Shamir: Look at us! We have no idea what to do with ourselves. But you're right. This is a special day. Now then. Are you ready to go?
Byleth: まだ二人でいよう Let's stay a little longer.
シャミア: はあ……仕方ない。普段は平気なんだが、今日は駄目だな。
Shamir: Fine. We can stay. I've already made a fool of myself. No point in trying to avoid it now. So, what else is there to talk about? Oh, right. Remember when I mentioned how much you have in common with my old partner? I don't think that's actually true. I didn't want to admit that I was attracted to you, so I convinced myself that I was just pining for the past. I was worried that revealing those feelings would ruin our friendship...
Shamir: Anyway. It's your turn to talk. Tell me about your past.
Byleth: 特には…… There isn't much to tell...
シャミア: チッ……まあいい。惚れた弱みだな、まったく。
Shamir: Hmph. You're lucky I love you, otherwise I wouldn't let you get away with an answer like that.